This is your story shift.

This is your story shift.

Are you ready to change your narrative?

A 12-week 1:1 holistic wellness coaching program explicitly designed to transform your experience through menopause.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You're struggling with the hormonal rollercoaster. 

  • You feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and irritable. 

  • You struggle to fall asleep (and stay asleep)

  • You're fed up with unpredictable symptoms and feeling totally out of control.

  • You're starting to panic: Is this the new normal?

  • You can’t eliminate the spare tire you’ve been carrying in your middle section.

  • You’ve given up on maintaining a healthy weight. 

  • You tell yourself,  “Someday” or “When I get the time to focus on me.” 

  • You know there must be something you can do, but you have yet to learn what it is.

If this sounds like you, Your Second Act wellness program can transform your life in 12 weeks.

Woman Looking Out The Window, Menopause, Wellness By Melissa
Melissa, Coaching, Wellness By Melissa

Hi there! I'm Melissa. I’m so glad you are here! I've dedicated myself to prioritizing holistic well-being to live the life I was created to live. My passion for all things wellness was born out of my diagnosis of Hashimoto’s in midlife. Not only was I facing all of the struggles of having an autoimmune disease, but I was also facing all of the changes that occur in a woman’s body during midlife. If you struggle with all the changes happening, I truly understand the discouragement it can bring. I want you to know it does not have to be this way. I am living proof that simple yet sustainable lifestyle changes do work. I am 50 and feel better than I did in my 20s. I want to encourage you to make yourself a priority. When was the last time you did so?